Cabin Crew Quiz

Cabin Crew Quiz for aspiring flight attendants.

Are you ready to become Cabin Crew?

Take this quiz to find out if you have the personality traits and skills to thrive as cabin crew. Answer honestly for the best results.

1 / 15

A child is running down the aisle during the flight. What is your response?

2 / 15

You’re working on a long flight, and a difficult passenger keeps making unnecessary requests. How do you handle it?

3 / 15

During a flight, a passenger repeatedly ignores safety instructions. How do you handle this?

4 / 15

A drunk passenger is becoming loud but hasn’t yet broken any rules. What’s the best course of action?

5 / 15

True or False: Cabin crew are responsible for handling in-flight medical emergencies.

6 / 15

A flight delay has caused a stressful situation, and multiple passengers are demanding answers. What do you do?

7 / 15

You’re assigned to the emergency exit row during pre-flight briefing. What’s your main responsibility?

8 / 15

Your supervisor gives critical feedback after you mishandle a difficult passenger situation. How do you approach the feedback?

9 / 15

A passenger asks if you can get them an upgrade. How do you respond?

10 / 15

During boarding, you notice a passenger struggling with their carry-on bag. What do you do?

11 / 15

A colleague is struggling with service duties while you're managing your own section. What do you do?

12 / 15

A passenger is loudly complaining about their seat. Meanwhile, another passenger is asking for water. What do you do first?

13 / 15

You’re explaining safety procedures, but a passenger isn’t paying attention. What do you do?

14 / 15

Your roster has just changed, and you now have to work an unexpected long-haul flight. What do you do?

15 / 15

True or False: Cabin crew must always follow the airline's rules, even if a passenger’s special request seems reasonable.

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