Exploring the Question: Can Cabin Crew Have Tattoos?

In the fast-paced world of aviation, a question that pops up now and then is, ‘Can cabin crew have tattoos?’ Well, it’s not a simple yes or no. It’s a bit of a journey through the policies of different airlines and the visibility of the tattoo when you’re in uniform. You see, the aviation industry has some pretty tight rules, and tattoos are part of the mix. But hey, times are changing, and tattoos are becoming part of the mainstream. So, let’s take a trip together through the world of airlines and their take on tattoos. Buckle up, it’s going to be an interesting ride!

airBaltic male Cabin Crew with tattoos.

The General Stance on Tattoos in the Aviation Industry

The aviation industry is renowned for its stringent rules, and the stance on tattoos is no exception. Many airlines maintain a professional image and believe that visible tattoos may not align with this image. However, as societal norms evolve, some airlines are beginning to relax their rules, but the majority still require that tattoos be hidden while in uniform.

Airline Policies: A Mixed Bag

Different airlines have different policies when it comes to cabin crew tattoos. For instance, Emirates and Etihad Airways do not allow any visible tattoos when their cabin crew are in uniform. On the other hand, airlines like United Airlines, Alaska Airlines, and airBaltic have relaxed their rules, allowing tattoos that are no larger than the size of the employee’s work badge.

Virgin Atlantic

Can Cabin Crew Have Tattoos?
Virgin Atlantic

European airlines like British Airways, EasyJet, and Ryanair also maintain a strict no-visible-tattoo policy. However, Virgin Atlantic stands out as one of the most tattoo-friendly airlines, allowing cabin crew to have an unlimited number of visible tattoos, provided they are not offensive or indecent.

Why the Strict Rules?

The primary reason airlines are strict about tattoos is to maintain a professional image. Tattoos are often associated with an unprofessional image, and airlines fear that visible tattoos might offend passengers from cultures where body art is considered taboo. However, as societal norms shift, it’s likely that more airlines will begin to relax their tattoo policies.

To Tattoo or Not to Tattoo?

If you’re contemplating a career in the cabin crew and also have plans to get a tattoo, it’s essential to conduct thorough research. Check the tattoo policy of the airline you wish to work for before getting inked. If you already have a tattoo, consider its placement and whether it can be hidden while in uniform. Remember, while the world is becoming more accepting of tattoos, the aviation industry is still catching up.


no need to take them off the roster, because our cabin crew and pilots can now show off their tattoos 😉

♬ Use this sound if u want to dismantle capitalism – Erin


In conclusion, to answer the question ‘Can cabin crew have tattoos?’ – Yes, they can! However, the visibility and acceptance of these tattoos largely depend on the specific policies of the airline they work for. United Airlines, Alaska Airlines, airBaltic and Virgin Atlantic are leading the way in becoming more tattoo-friendly. As societal norms continue to evolve, we can expect to see more airlines revising their tattoo policies in the future.

FAQs – Can Cabin Crew Have Tattoos?

Can Cabin Crew have tattoos?

Yes, cabin crew can have tattoos, but policies vary among airlines. Some airlines allow visible tattoos, while others require them to be covered while in uniform.

Which airlines allow visible tattoos for Cabin Crew?

Airlines like United Airlines, Alaska Airlines, airBaltic, and Virgin Atlantic have relaxed rules regarding visible tattoos, permitting them as long as they are not offensive or indecent.

Why are airlines strict about tattoos for Cabin Crew?

Airlines enforce strict tattoo policies to maintain a professional image. Visible tattoos may be perceived negatively by passengers, especially in cultures where body art is considered taboo.

What should cabin crew consider before getting a tattoo?

Cabin crew should research the tattoo policy of the airline they wish to work for before getting inked. If they already have tattoos, they should consider placement to ensure they can be hidden while in uniform.

Are there any airlines that prohibit visible tattoos for Cabin Crew?

Yes, airlines like Emirates, Etihad Airways, British Airways, EasyJet, and Ryanair typically maintain strict policies prohibiting visible tattoos while cabin crew are in uniform.

Can Cabin Crew with tattoos still apply for jobs at airlines with strict policies?

Yes, cabin crew with tattoos can still apply, but they may need to ensure their tattoos are easily concealable while in uniform or be willing to cover them with makeup or clothing.

Are there any exceptions to the no-visible-tattoo rule for Cabin Crew?

Some airlines may make exceptions for small, discreet tattoos that can be covered with makeup or clothing, but this varies depending on the airline’s policy and discretion.

How can Cabin Crew determine if their tattoos comply with airline policies?

Cabin crew should carefully review the airline’s tattoo policy, which is typically outlined in the company’s grooming standards or uniform guidelines. They can also seek clarification from the airline’s HR department if needed.

Can Cabin Crew with tattoos still provide excellent customer service?

Yes, cabin crew with tattoos can still provide excellent customer service, as long as they maintain a professional appearance and demeanor while on duty, adhering to the airline’s standards and policies.

Are there any trends indicating a shift towards more relaxed tattoo policies in the aviation industry?

Yes, some airlines are beginning to adopt more relaxed tattoo policies in response to changing societal norms and to attract a diverse workforce. However, the pace of change varies among airlines and regions.